Over 16,000 copies in 3 months!
“Illustrated 17 Prefectures Radioactivity Measurement Map + Reading Collection” now on sale

About this book

This is a radioactivity commentary book for citizens by citizens, which was born with support from more than 6.27 million yen from 1,277 people in the crowdfunding held from July to September 2018.

One preserved version of the family! !
The most comprehensible and detailed data collection by the citizens of Japan's “Radioactivity” book, which is the most understandable and detailed.
After the 1986 Chernobyl accident, a detailed soil pollution map was created, led by the three countries of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and became the guideline for people's lives and the standard for evacuation and compensation.

However, in Japan, after the Fukushima nuclear accident in 3.11, no such map was made.
Therefore, the radioactivity measurement network “Minna no Data Site” in each region has collected and measured by hand over 17 prefectures over a survey period of about 3 years, and completed detailed radioactivity contamination maps at more than 3,400 sampling points. I was allowed to.
Furthermore, this book contains various information such as basic knowledge on food, environment and radioactivity.

Writing and editing is a member of the national measurement room, including researchers and experts on radioactive contamination.
I hope that this book will be used not only by citizens but also by ADR (Nuclear Damages Dispute Settlement Center), plaintiffs, lawyers and lawyers involved in lawsuits.


Specification: A4 version 200 pages
2,315 yen (excluding tax) ISBN 978-4-9910427-0-6
Publisher: Everyone's data site publication

Chapter1: Soil Measurement Map of 17 Prefectures of East Japan with detail commentary.

Chapter2: Food Measurement Analytics for Food (Rice, Milk, Fish, Wild mushroom, Wild plants, Wild Animals)

Chapter3: Basic Knowledge about Radioactivity

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English Version will Coming Soon!

We're preparing Digest Version in English now.  Planned Issue date is mid-September.  20 Pages.  Please wait for detail!