【Media】 February 28 Released in "Big ISSUE" Japanese version 354

Special feature: I'm looking forward to hearing, keep communicating and keep telling-Fukushima in the 9th year

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident that has passed eight years. This year's report is also from the field by a journalist living in Fukushima.
We asked Mr. Arthur Binnard, a poet who was born in the United States, with a focus on "picture-story-playing" under the theme of thoughts on radiation and radioactivity. The story is also to Hiroshima, the way of life of human beings .... In addition, 4,000 volunteers participated in the measurement and made it easy to understand the current state of radioactive contamination. Interviewing the process and contents of the publication. It shows the ability and level of Japanese citizens' activities internationally. Furthermore, after 3.11, I continued to shoot the daily landscape of Fukushima and introduced Shuji Akagi who took 670,000 photos.
To the 9th year. What are the invisible radiations and the figures of people who live quietly?

※ Statement / photo Hiroko Kuwahara Akiko Okoshi (Fukushima resident journalist) Design ╱ Daily newspaper company

Shuji Akagi, who takes invisible tune pressure

Arthur Binard for the future

"17 Tokyo Prefecture Radiation Measurement Map"
Everyone's data site
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Over 3 pages, you will find an introduction to maps and interviews with the following measurement rooms and the secretariat involved in writing.
Below, we will introduce some of the parts of the photo.

"17 metropolitan area radioactivity measurement map" which calls an echo

・ C Lab (Nagoya City) Onuma Koichi ・ Akiko

Fukushima 30-year project (Fukushima City) Shimizu Yoshihiro, Abe Hiromi

・ Tateto (Miyagi Prefecture Okawaramachi) Kitamura Ho · Midori

・ The secretariat Takayuki Koyama Naoko Nakamura

・ Above laboratory Rabo Murakami (Agano City, Niigata Prefecture)

For more information on Issue 354: https://www.bigissue.jp/backnumber/354/
Sold at large station heads across the country (with information on available locations)

* Big Issue is an attempt to create a place where citizens can work and work by themselves. In September 2003, by creating a high quality magazine and making it an exclusive sales business for homeless people, we tried to solve the homeless problem. It is not a remedy for homeless people (charity) but a business that offers work and supports independence. The Big Issue prototype was born in London in 1991.
For more information about Big Issue, please visit: https://www.bigissue.jp/about/
