11/19 · Introduction of contents of Tokyo soil project event: Analysis report of Tochigi and Yamagata soil surveys

We would like to inform you of the content to be reported at the soil project report meeting held on November 19 (Sun).

In the soil project, we conducted soil collection and measurement of over 3,000 points in 17 eastern Japan prefectures with citizens. By analyzing the measurement results and trying to match it with the terrain etc., we will tell you ahead of time what you have seen etc. to everyone.
This time, we will analyze in advance two parts of Tochigi Prefecture, which is one of the priority areas for pollution, and Yamagata Prefecture, which has a relatively low level of pollution, and make it an interim report at this point.

1. Analysis report summary of soil survey in Tochigi prefecture
(Nagoya C-Lab, Mr. Junichi Onuma)

Out of 3300 points in 17 prefectures, we conducted a soil survey at 292 points in Tochigi prefecture where the high concentration was polluted and analyzed it. In Nasu town, it exceeded 23000 Bq / kg and it is a mandatory zone of migration in the Chernobyl method There is one place. There are 21 migration recommended zones exceeding 8500 Bq / kg in Nasu-machi, Nasu-Shiobara-shi and Yaita-shi, and in addition to these 3 local governments, migration exceeds 2800 Bq / kg in Nikko-shi, Shioya-cho, Otawara-shi and Nakagawa-machi There were 81 rights zones in total. Serious initial exposure is also a concern. However, six and a half years have passed without the government or the local government taking appropriate measures. There is concern about the exposure of the citizens, especially children. Even now, it is necessary to take measures like Fukushima, such as health surveys. "

* On the other hand, Mr. Onuma will travel to various locations in Tochigi Prefecture with the results of this report for about a week from the end of October to November, and will hold a briefing session and a measurement workshop. On the day of the event, we will introduce the situation of radioactive contamination in Tochigi prefecture, together with the Tochigi briefing session.

2. Analysis report summary of soil survey in Yamagata Prefecture
(Amoro lab Murakami)

As a result of " MDS East Japan soil becquerel measurement project" by the hand of the citizen, the soil contamination map of 17 eastern Japan prefectures has been enhanced more and more. Though it was thought that there was almost no pollution in Yamagata and Niigata prefectures that are close to and in close proximity to Fukushima Prefecture, the obtained map shows that areas with low contamination levels are widely present in both prefectures.

Analysis of " MDS soil pollution map" and "radioactive substance inspection data in food" conducted by Yamagata Prefecture and buried measurement data, why Yamagata Prefecture escaped from strong pollution, Yamagata Prefecture's original "food inspection after the disaster" "Strategy" has come to light.

Even in areas where pollution on flat land is low, such as Yamagata Prefecture, “mountain pollution” continues as the test data of “Japanese horse mackerel”, “Yanasai (Kosibura)” and “Natural mushroom” continue, and “food standards exceeded” There is no end to the case.

3. Environmental concentration Becquerel measurement project
(Mr. SugarNat)

In the previous soil projects, we did not include measurements of hotspots to determine standard contamination levels in the area. However, micro hotspots (where radioactive materials gather and become highly concentrated) that are present everywhere are a big problem. In cooperation with the Hotspot Investigators for Truth, which has been working on the search, measurement, and decontamination of this hot spot for a long time, it has accumulated the data measured by them on the "everyone's data site" Started to
What points are likely to be hotspots using illustrations etc? It is displayed.
On the day, representative Sugar Nut will introduce the past measurement activities and the results of the government's efforts.

In the future, we plan to publish the results of analyzing more than 3,000 data from the "Soil Project," which we have been working with everyone, in the Atlas "Atlas," which is scheduled to be published in the future.

All themes are stories that can only be heard here.
Please come to the event from 9:30 on Sunday, 19th of November.

know it! Let's measure! Let's connect! East Japan Soil Becquerel Measurement Project
2017 Fall, Debate
Finally, we set up a collection of paper maps that made the soil's radioactivity visible!
Soil Project Atlas <Trailer>
~ Pre-report analysis results for several prefectures as an example ~

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Place: National Olympics Memorial Youth Center Center Building 401
Date and time: November 19th (Sun), 2017 9:30 to 12 (9:00 AM reception start)

Main program (planned)
● Progress of soil project atlas (paper map collection) issue ● What has been seen from data analysis of soil project with some prefectures as an example ● Workshop activity report in Tochigi prefecture ● Environmental concentration (hot spot) Becquerel Measurement project report etc.

Participation fee 500 yen (with souvenir)

* A3 version map showing the results of the soil beckerel measurement project. We present one of the following desired baskets.
(17 prefectures overall map, Tokyo map, Kanagawa prefecture map, Saitama prefecture map etc)

Sign up here (Google form opens)
