[Map + reading collection] 3,000 copies of reprints (second edition) are completed for major reaction! Resume shipping

We are sold out by great response, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting!
Since the shipping system has not been able to respond to the number of orders as it is now and the waiting period has been long, it is decided to discuss strengthening the shipping system and having multiple bases throughout the country in line with this reprint. Yes.
Then, the first of the shipping locations, 700 books of the second edition arrived today in Saitama's "Measuring room of the forest, Shukawa"!
Tomorrow, from here Saitama, we will resume shipping to those who have made a reservation.
Those ordered after December 7 are out of stock and are waiting for you. We will deliver it in order, so please be patient.

● To those who will order from now ●
You can purchase from this online shop.

* Delivery within the year will be until December 26, application and payment completion. If your order floods at the last minute, it may not be possible to answer your request. Please apply early.
