4ページ目 | メディア掲載

It was introduced to Tokyo Shimbun.

Tokyo Shimbun 2018.12.22 Evening edition / One side The coverage of this book was strong, and the issue of the issue and how it was actually being shipped was covered, and it was widely taken up in one of the evening edition.

【Media Coverage】 Tokyo Shimbun ・ Evening 1 page December 22, 2018

Illustrated 17 metropolitan prefectures, radioactivity measurement map + reading collection were introduced on one page of Tokyo Shimbun, evening paper on December 22, 2018.

In the web version, a more detailed article, including a video introducing the outline of the map collection, has been published on "This Nuclear Report Site"!
Please read it by all means

The map collection can be purchased from here.
Mail order shop → https://minnanods.thebase.in/